Family Day: ART-lympic Games

Art-making Mount Olympus Academy
Embark on an odyssey to Mount Olympus with Grown-Up Club! Create your own Greek god, goddess, or non-gendered deity, craft an Olympus-worthy costume, and get inspired by the magical world of Greek antiquity.

Olympic Challenges
Noon, 1, 2 & 3PM
Test your mettle with challenges requiring feats of strength, daring, and creativity, led by your coach for the day, actor-educator Dylan Fresco.

Art-making Olympic Torches and Medals
Celebrate the Olympic Games in Rio by creating medals, torches, and more!

Art-making Amphoras
Make a two-dimensional creation inspired by Greek amphoras, a type of pottery that often depicted scenes of gods, athletes, and other aspects of Ancient Greek life.

Storytelling Greek Gods and the Olympic Games
12:30, 1:30 & 2:30PM
Enjoy stories about the Greek origins of the Olympic Games, with storyteller Carol McCormick.

Gallery Hunt Global Games
Find works of art in Mia’s collection that match events in the Summer Olympic Games.

Art Cart Ancient Greece and Rome
Explore Ancient Greek and Roman art with hands-on objects and activities.

Summer Music Residency Siama Matuzungidi
12:30 – 3:30PM
Join Congolese musician Siama Matuzungidi for an interactive performance and instrument petting zoo. Siama and company have performed at Mia Family Days throughout the summer as part of a summer Family Day music residency.