An Evening with Deanna Thompson: Martin Luther and the Ambiguity of Reform

deanna-thompson-headshotThe Friends are thrilled to host Deanna Thompson, Professor of Religion at Hamline University, for a special presentation on Martin Luther.

There is little doubt Martin Luther changed the course of history. His calls for reform contributed to the fracturing of medieval religion and deep societal unrest. On the eve of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, the time is ripe to look again at Luther’s complicated legacy of far-reaching consequences that continue to the present day.

This event will include an optional docent-led tour* of the Martin Luther: Art and the Reformation exhibition, a cocktail reception, and a talk by Luther scholar Deanna Thompson.



5:30PM Reception
6PM Tour*
7PM Talk, The Ambiguity of Reform

Ticketed event; tickets are available for purchase by following this link or calling 612-870-6323. Proceeds to support a Friends special project.

Tickets: $100 ($50 tax deductible)

* Due to space constraints, tour is limited to 60. Spots filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Those who do not attend the tour will continue their cocktail reception. 


Martin Luther: Art and the Reformation
