ArtChangeUS REMAP: Public Forum

ArtChangeUS REMAP: Twin Cities is a three-day series of immersive artistic workshops and conversations on equitable, sustainable arts-driven change that will culminate in a two-part public forum hosted at Minneapolis Institute of Art on September 25, 2018. 

What is the Change that Needs to Happen? A Roundtable and Conversation on Cultural Community Benefits
12:30 – 3PM  
How do we evolve diversity, equity, and inclusion within our own institutions? How can we achieve community benefit and agency? What are the bold practices and strategies of leading artists and forward-looking grant makers? What is the change that needs to happen?
This session, designed for institutions, organizers, artists and the public, will feature a discussion between Twin Cities Theaters of Color Coalition and Racial Equity Funders Collaborative members on shifting paradigms of funding in the Twin Cities and nationally.

Featured presenters include: Penumbra Theatre Artistic Director Sarah Bellamy, The Saint Paul & Minnesota Community Foundations Program Officer Sharon DeMark, HRK Foundation Executive Director Kathleen Fluegel, Teatro del Pueblo Artistic Director Alberto Justiniano, Doris Duke Charitable Foundation Program Director for the Arts Maurine Knighton, Artspace President Kelley Lindquist, The McKnight Foundation Arts Program Officer & Director of Artist Fellowships Arleta Little, Pangea World Theater Artistic Director Dipankar Mukherjee, Mu Performing Arts Artistic Director Randy Reyes, Jerome Foundation Program Director Eleanor Savage, Bush Foundation Community Creativity Portfolio Director Erik Takeshita, Grantmakers in the Arts President & CEO Eddie Torres, New Native Theater Founder & Artistic Director Rhiana Yazzie and others. Artistic share by visual artist Dyani White Hawk and performance by Ikidowin Youth Theater Ensemble.

Future Conversations: Evolving Cultural Equity to Community Benefit
3 – 5PM

The afternoon session will give attendees an opportunity to participate in dynamic small group discussions on advancing cultural equity inside institutions, joined by roundtable artists and funders listed above. It will be kicked off through an introduction on Cultural Community Benefits Principals tools and approaches by Creative Many Director of Creative Industries Cézanne Charles. Participants will learn about best practices applicable to their own organizations.

To Register

Registration Required. The Public Forum is based on a sliding fee. To register for all days or select specific sessions, including the Public Forum, click here. Or email

For more information on the three-day series of workshops, please visit

ArtChangeUS is committed to creating an inclusive environment. This includes providing accommodations to make our event more accessible. If you need accommodations to fully participate in REMAP: Twin Cities, please include your needs on the registration form or email

Content Advisory: Workshops and events at ArtChangeUS REMAP: Twin Cities may include explicit conversations about class- and race-based conflict, the Middle Passage, and substance abuse. Certain workshops will foster a supportive environment for personal story sharing.