Symmetrical design of plants, insects, birds, and amphibians in bright colors.
Christi Belcourt (Métis, born 1966), It's a Delicate Balance, 2021, acrylic on canvas. Gift of Funds from Andy and Meg Ubel in honor of Mia's Docent class of 2015. ©Christi Belcourt

Cross Currents Tour

Cross Currents is a self-directed gallery quest to find different Mia Guide-facilitated stops throughout the museum on a self-directed tour. A Cross Currents tour map will take you throughout the museum to explore cultural connections at your own pace.

Upcoming Tour Topics

April: Encounters and Exchanges
What happens when groups of people encounter one another and exchange ideas about art and culture? Spend time with Mia Guides to learn how cross cultural exchanges have inspired and influenced artists throughout time and place.

May: Come to Your Senses

Immerse yourself in the galleries by diving into a work of art that engages the senses. Mia Guides will help you explore artworks that connect to one or more of the five senses: sight, touch, sound, smell and taste.

June: Inspired by Nature
Artists have taken inspiration from the natural world to create outstanding works of art across time and cultures. Visit the selected gallery stops to discover how this natural inspiration translates into a work of art.

Christi Belcourt (Métis, born 1966), It's a Delicate Balance, 2021, acrylic on canvas. Gift of Funds from Andy and Meg Ubel in honor of Mia's Docent class of 2015. ©Christi Belcourt