Hands-on Art History: Japanese Ink Painting
They say learning a new skill helps keep the mind sharp. Boost your brainpower by getting hands-on with art history in this new series of adult classes. We’ll start by taking a closer look at the artist’s materials and processes to deepen your understanding of styles and techniques. Then you’ll try your own hand at making a masterpiece. No previous art experience necessary.
After visiting the newly reinstalled Japanese galleries for inspiration, join award-winning artist and teacher Yudong Shen in the studios to learn about Asian brush painting, and explore how ink moves on paper and silk.
$35, $28 Mia members; includes all materials and light refreshments.
Hashimoto Gahō, 1866–99, Chōkarō Sennin Releasing His Mule from a Gourd (detail), Gift of Libby and Bill Clark in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 2014.110