Share with Mia: An Artist Skill-Sharing Event
Adrienne Doyle and Gabby Coll, curators of the upcoming “Burn Something” exhibition at Minneapolis-based Modus Locus (on view May 23–June 6, 2020), will lead a short introduction to zine making at Mia on Thursday, February 27. Zines (pronounced “zeens,” short for “magazines”) are low-cost and low-tech booklets created to share information, art, or writing widely and publicly without the need for publishers or other institutional support. In this skill-sharing workshop, Doyle and Coll will present a short introduction to the history and context(s) of zine making and distribution and instructions for a few ways to create your own zines. In addition, you’ll be provided with materials and time to create your own zines.
Burn Something Zine (BSZ) was started by Adrienne Doyle in 2014 as an alternative media space for women of color and gender-nonconforming folks of color to claim our narratives, build social connections, and heal by being heard. Due to Doyle’s limited capacity to maintain the project, Burn Something activities ceased in June 2017 without any intentional acknowledgment or celebration of what the project did and what it meant to its community. Now, with support from a new fellowship program called the Emerging Curators Institute (ECI), Doyle and collaborator Gabby Coll are excited to bring life back into this work with the exhibition at Modus Locus, which will feature visual art related to the themes of Burn Something Zine.