Talk: Latin/x American Art in Future Perfect
In the United States, Latinx artists and Latin American artists are kept separate, and much of Latinx art is marginalized. This lecture will propose a hemispheric perspective of the Americas by bringing together Latinx and Latin American art. Some of Cecilia Fajardo Hill’s recent curatorial projects have similarly proposed this hemispheric perspective of the Americas—including the Caribbean—from the shared histories of colonialism, resistance, and symbolic and political imagination. These exhibitions defy geopolitical demarcation; propose notions of temporality that do not involve progressive linearities or modernism as their defining terms. They propose counter and non-official histories in future perfect, by recognizing the past and its erasures as an inconclusive process in the present, as a becoming, and potential for emancipation, healing and creative imagination.
About Cecilia Fajardo Hill
Cecilia Fajardo Hill is a Latina/British/Venezuelan art historian, curator, and writer in modern and contemporary art, focusing on Latin American and Latinx art. She has published and curated extensively on contemporary Latin American and international artists. She co-curated Radical Women: Latin American Art 1960-1985, at the Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, in 2017, touring to the Brooklyn Museum, New York and to Pinacoteca, Sao Paulo in 2018. Presently is co-curator of Xican-a.o.x. Body, a touring exhibition organized by the American Federation of Arts, opening in June 2023 at the Cheech Center for Chicano Art in Riverside in June 2023. Fajardo Hill is Associate Professor of Museum Studies and Art History at Arizona State University’s Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts, Director of the Northlight Gallery and the Director of The ASU-LACMA Master’s Fellowship.
ReVisión: Art in the Americas is on view July 1, 2023-September 17, 2023. Contributor+ member on-sale date: Monday, June 5, 2023. Explorer member and public on-sale date: Tuesday, June 20, 2023.
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