Virtual Artists Talk: Breaking the Silence
This event takes place from 6 to 7:30PM CST.
español abajo
International Women’s Day has been observed in March around the world for decades. We build upon this legacy and the many movements for liberation for cis- and transgender women and people across the gender spectrum who experience gendered oppression. Hear directly from participating artists as they share their work and explore the power of art to build more equitable and safe communities for all.
Desde hace décadas se ha observado el Día Internacional de la Mujer en marzo. Con este evento nosotres edificamos sobre este legado y los muchos movimientos de liberación para mujeres cis y trans y personas en distintos puntos del espectro de género quienes experimentan la opresión del género. En la inauguración virtual visitantes de la muestra pueden escuchar en directo a las artistas participantes hablando acerca de su trabajo y de su exploración del poder del arte para construir comunidades seguras y equitativas para todos. Regístrese gratis aquí.
La muestra de arte “Rompiendo el Silencio: el Día Internacional de la Mujer” se abre en línea el 1 de marzo.
Ticketing Information
To attend this program: RSVP by calling (612) 870-6323 or register online and receive an email with the Zoom link for the program. If you have never used Zoom before, you will be prompted to download the Zoom app or join from your browser. Zoom works best on the Google Chrome browser. If you are having any trouble, contact our visitor experience team at
Give back: This program is free. Mia relies on your support to present its programs and exhibitions. Please consider making a contribution.
Lead Sponsor:
Shut up, Bitch; the Noise No One Hears, by Constanza Carballo and Claudia Valentino