Andy Messerschmidt and Mathew Zefeldt
October 16, 2014 - December 28, 2014
MAEP Galleries (G264, 265)
Free Exhibition
Delta Delta Delta Force: Andy Messerschmidt
Andy Messerschmidt is an occultist who is fascinated by supernatural beliefs and the visual culture of mystical ceremonies. His chaotic installations draw from his stockpile of holiday ephemera, which includes miles of wrapping paper and dozens of Christmas tree skirts. Obscure religious iconography is layered throughout the wall collages and sculptures, creating a riot of patterning and appropriated symbolism that find the divine in throwaway materials. The exhibition title, Delta Delta Delta Force, connotes secret letter and military organizations that have their own initiation rites and symbolism. The gallery will be lit with a deep red glow, and a low delta wave hum will emphasize Messerschmidt’s surreal, free-associative imagery.
Andy Messerschmidt is a Fiscal Year 2014 recipient of a Fellowship grant from the Arrowhead Regional Arts Council with money from the Minnesota Arts and cultural Heritage Fund as appropriated by the Minnesota State Legislature with money from the vote of the people of Minnesota on November 4, 2008; The McKnight Foundation and an appropriation from the Minnesota State Legislature.
Read Andy Messerschmidt’s artist statement here. Learn more about Delta Delta Delta Force at MIA Stories: “Magic, mystery, and wrapping paper: Inside the Ely studio of MAEP artist Andy Messerschmidt”
Repetition, Simulation, Repetition: Mathew Zefeldt
In his exhibition Repetition, Simulation, Repetition, Mathew Zefeldt’s brightly colored acrylic paintings of 16-bit graphics and textures are appropriated directly from vintage video games that many people will remember playing as teenagers, classics such as DOOM, Super Mario Brothers, and Castle Wolfenstein. The themes of life and death, both real and virtual, are repeated throughout his work, as seen in his use of traditional memento mori, such as funerary reliefs and vanitas paintings. It may appear that the bricks and hero’s face in “When You’re Dead, You’re Dead” are cut, then pasted, but each detail is meticulously hand painted. Gallery walls covered floor to ceiling with sheets of 16-bit brick vinyl wallpaper will complement the paintings.
The opening reception for Delta Delta Delta Force and Repetition, Simulation, Repetition will be Thursday, October 16, 7-9 p.m.
The artist talks are scheduled for Thursday, November 20, 7 p.m.