Eric William Carroll “G.U.T. Feeling, Vol. 2” and James Holmberg “Forever”
July 18, 2014 - September 28, 2014
MAEP Galleries
Free Exhibition
Eric William Carroll presents the second installment of his ongoing project “G.U.T. Feeling.” Grand Unified Theory (G.U.T.) is a new photographic installation that revels in the ardent striving of science’s grandest theories—the search by fringe and mainstream scientists alike for a single elegant explanation of the universe. Images from his own scientific experiments and found footage bridge the gap between epic and mundane, suggestive of grand ideas without proving a thing. Two gallery-length tables emphasize the connection between his photographs and the wonderfully obsolete technologies once used to visualize scientific observation. A future installment of Carroll’s “G.U.T. Feeling” will appear in McSweeney‘s in 2015.
Watch a video interview of Eric William Carroll.
James Holmberg believes that art gives form to human experience. By building up then surgically peeling back the layers of his paintings and sculptures, he is glimpsing past experiences. Unfinished wood frames, sheets of plastic, and raw building materials, expertly and quickly composed, have a strong visual language; however, they also show Holmberg’s interest in concepts of absence, transparency, and recovery. These paintings and a new site-specific installation mark a dramatic change from his earlier work, particularly his evolving interest in how art’s relationship to architecture illuminates how fragmentary perceptions are the grist for memory and behavior.
Watch a video interview of James Holmberg. Learn more about Forever at MIA Stories: “Behind the gallery walls and inside James Holmberg’s Forever”
Opening reception: Thursday, July 17, 7–9 p.m.
Artist Talks: August 21, 7p.m.