Fancy Pants: Beyond the Gray Flannel Suit
July 19, 2014 - March 1, 2015
The Winton Jones Gallery (G344)
Free Exhibition
Let’s face it: men’s fashion is pretty boring. But, it wasn’t always so. There was an age when men used their clothing to stand out rather than to fit in. Often that meant ruffles, embroidery, wigs, slashed sleeves, stuffed shirts, jerkins, leggings, jewels, and cod pieces. This exhibition may inspire you to clear your closet of muted garb to make room for a little self-expression.
The Great Master of the Fashionable Hair Style, mid-18th century, hand-colored etching by an unidentified artist. The Minnich Collection, The Ethel Morrison Van Derlip Fund, 1966 P.17,468