Gifts of Modern and Contemporary Glass from Daniel Greenberg and Susan Steinhauser
November 20, 2013 - June 29, 2014
Free Exhibition
The myriad miracles of glass-making are on full display in this exhibition drawn from a gift of 32 modern and contemporary glass objects recently donated to the MIA by Daniel Greenberg and Susan Steinhauser. Varied and virtuosic, the works range from a murrine vase by Giles Bettison to a pâte de verre sculpture by Karla Trinkley.
These objects showcase important modern centers of art glass across the world, including the Czech Republic and Murano, Italy. Similarly, the artists range from pivotal Americans, such as Harvey Littleton and Mark Peiser, to Keith Cummings of England, Klaus Moje and Ann Wolff of Germany, and Bertil Vallien of Sweden.