Shimmering Surfaces: Chinese Lacquer Motifs and Techniques
March 31, 2021 - April 10, 2022
Gallery 210
Free Exhibition
Lacquer art has a long history in China, beginning more than 5,000 years ago. Richly decorated lacquer wares often invoke themes and ideas intended to bring wealth, health, moral ethics, good luck, longevity, and even immortality to their owners—and also communicate their wealth and status. Featuring works from Mia’s collection, this installation showcases a wide variety of forms, styles, and techniques, as well as an array of themes that remain significant in Chinese culture even today.
China, Qing dynasty, Nine Dragon Box (detail), 18th century, red, green, and brown carved lacquer (tixi), Gift of Ruth and Bruce Dayton, 2001.68.14a,b