To Beautify and Protect: Miao Clothing and Jewelry from China
October 22, 2020 - May 23, 2021
Gallery 210
Free Exhibition
Miao people comprise one of the largest ethnic minorities in China. Ancestrally, they are related to the Hmong people of Southeast Asia. Miao people consider textiles, clothing, and accessories as expressions of identity. This is especially true at communal festivals, where an individual might wear an elaborate, embroidered costume and intricately worked silver jewelry. In these settings, ceremonial clothing could indicate a wearer’s age and marital status, or mark important rites of passage. Motifs on these garments and silver jewelry can reveal Miao history and beliefs, while decorative techniques, patterning, and stitchwork distinguish one community from another. The silver material and designs also serve a protective function, promoting the health and safety of the wearer, while presenting a dazzling display that delights the eyes. This exhibition showcases only a few exquisite examples drawn from Mia’s large collection of more than 1,200 textiles and 450 pieces of jewelry made by Miao artisans.