“Yes, and…”
November 1, 2016 - January 1, 2017
Community Commons
Artist Sam Gould created this activity in response to two of Mia’s exhibitions, Martin Luther: Art and the Reformationand Resistance, Protest, Resilience. You are invited to read the texts and to pose questions that are non-binary, that is, that aren’t easily answered by a simple “yes” or “no”. Please write your question on the provided paper and tape it to the wall.
When something is binary, it has two parts, often opposites. Sometimes we think and talk about things in binary terms, when there are actually many more subtle ways to consider an idea. The topics of gender and right/wrong often get discussed in binary terms.
We encourage you to carefully read the texts in this space, add your own text, and notice how people gather and interact here. These can all be acts of shared transformation.