When I stand in front of the work I enter “the zone” that transports me ofttimes to – well, unknown destinations. To quote: “When [a picture] touches you, reveals you, and surprises you, then it has surpassed every standard and obviously increases all that you have … You feel that it has a presence that is meaningful, either on a formal level or because of its content, but you can’t figure out why. Relax. Stay in suspense, for once you know, you will have to re-enter the arena of the unknown.” (Don Stacy, artist and author)

J. Kevin Byrne
Copying At The 'Tute (sample of 40 sketches from my last four years copying paintings and sculpture in galleries), Mix of media and surfaces. 12 x 12 inches
Inspired by:
MIA’s hosting such copying efforts is a tradition starting with the Louvre (1793)