This is a photo of a paper heart used during the Institute of Hearts event during the Valentine’s season.

Institute of Hearts 2024

Share the love this Valentine’s season by leaving your heart with the art at Mia.

Saturday, February 9 through Thursday, February 15, museum visitors will be handed a paper heart valentine to place in front of their favorite artwork in the galleries. Let the world know which piece you love by sharing on social media with @artsmia #MiaHearts, or keep your choice to yourself as a secret admirer.

This annual event is free, no tickets required. Hearts will be available at the visitor experience desk in the lobby.

Join us 5–9 pm on Thursday, February 15 for a special Institute of Hearts themed Meet at Mia event with live music from A Little Too Short to be Stormtroopers, art making, a film screening of valentine shorts from MSP Film Society, tours, an art matchmaking quiz, food, drinks and more!