Virtual Gallery Talk: Envisioning Evil
Wath this virtual gallery talk below for a behind-the-scenes look at the powerful work in “Envisioning Evil: ‘The Nazi Drawings’ by Mauricio Lasansky” with the authors of the exhibition’s catalogue: Rachel McGarry, associate curator at Mia, and Rabbi Barry Cytron, retired professor and chaplain at Macalester College.
“Envisioning Evil: ‘The Nazi Drawings’ by Mauricio Lasansky” is organized by the Minneapolis Institute of Art and lent by The Levitt Foundation.
Generous support provided by Margaret and Angus Wurtele, Beverly Grossman, John and Ruth Huss Fund, Erwin and Miriam Kelen, John and Nancy Lindahl, Sheila Morgan, Donna and James Pohlad, through the Eloise and Carl Pohlad Family Fund, the Lynne and Andrew Redleaf Foundation, Laurie and Ronald Eibensteiner, Stephen and Sheila Lieberman, Sheldon and Lili Chester, Andrew Grossman, Irving and Marjorie Weiser, and John and Marsha Soucheray.
Ticketing Information
To attend this program: RSVP by calling (612) 870-6323 or register online and receive an email with the Zoom link for the program. If you have never used Zoom before, you will be prompted to download the Zoom app or join from your browser. Zoom works best on the Google Chrome browser. If you are having any trouble, contact our visitor experience team at visit@artsmia.org
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