Speculative Bodies
January 26, 2019 - March 1, 2020
Gallery 369
Free Exhibition
Today we live multiple lives both online and in real life, with elastic identities that are seemingly boundless, open to fluid representation and constant reinterpretation via technology. Can the same be said of our physical bodies? Despite technology’s ever-quickening pace, we are still inextricably bound to the flesh-and-blood of the human body that we as a species have inhabited for thousands of years.
The works presented in this exhibition broadly question how technology has reimagined the physical body—as avatar, prosthesis, shell, surrogate, or otherwise—as well as its ongoing ramifications for understanding the evolving human condition.
Avery Singer, Untitled, 2018; Acrylic on canvas stretched over wood panel; Image courtesy the artist and Gavin Brown's enterprise, New York/Rome
© Avery Singer, 2018; Photo: Lance Brewer.