Library and Study Rooms
Discover artist catalogues raisonnés, special collections, and rare books in Mia’s Library. See original artworks not on view in the galleries, from prints and drawings to photography, by making an appointment to visit Mia’s Study Rooms.
Art Research & Reference Library
Established with the museum’s opening in 1915, Mia’s Art Research & Reference Library is one of the Midwest’s premiere research centers dedicated to the study of art. The library’s holdings provide special collection and rare printed materials as well as digitized texts/images and online research tools. Spanning the world’s history of art, the library’s remarkable collection of more than 60,000 volumes continues to grow.
Begin by searching the Library Catalogue. There are also hundreds of uncatalogued items embedded in the library.
The library is temporarily closed to the public.
Consider supporting the Library by joining the Library Affinity Group.
Print Study Room
The Herschel V. Jones Print Study Room offers individuals and groups the opportunity to examine up close the exceptional collection of the Department of Prints and Drawings. These works of art on paper include woodcuts, engravings, etchings, lithographs, screenprints, drawings, watercolors, and artist’s books.
Please email Lori Williamson, supervisor of the Herschel V. Jones Print Study Room, or call 612-870-3113 for more information.
Photography Study Room
The Photography Study Room at Mia provides individuals, groups, and classes with a special chance to explore photographs from our permanent collection. Whether you’re doing research or seeking inspiration, you can choose photographs from our permanent collection to view during your appointment. For more information, please visit the Photography Study Room page.