Collection and Exhibitions
In-depth multimedia explorations of Mia’s world-class collection and singular exhibitions. Learn about the historical, cultural, and social context behind Mia’s masterpieces.
The Latest
Celebrating Women’s History Month with the Enigmatic Art of Esther M. Moore
Masterful Marketing, from Edo to Montmartre
Magic and Mythmaking in Roshan Ganu’s “रातराणी: The Night Blooming Jasmine”
The Magic of the Moulin Rouge: A Q&A with Galina Olmsted
“The Shape of Time” Reveals the Creative Spirit Behind South Korea’s Rapid Rise
The year 1989 is remembered for many things—the birth of the World Wide Web and Taylor Swift, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the uprising in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square. Often overlooked is the shift in South Korea from dictatorship to democracy, which has propelled the country’s remarkable rise in economic and cultural power.
“In Our Hands” Turns the Camera Around, Puts Native Photographers in Control
How “ReVisión” Challenges the Narrative of American History, and Looks Great Doing It
Preview party for the exhibition "In Our Hands: Native Photography, 1890 to Now" on October 21, 2023 at Minneapolis Institute of Art.