Styles in Art History
Learn about styles in art history through exploration of the art and innovations that define them.
You be the Judge: Renaissance Paintings
Choose three paintings from the Renaissance period and rate them on a scale from 0 to 10 for each of four style traits: accurate drawing, light, and shadow to create a 3-D form, atmospheric perspective, and linear perspective.
What is Baroque?
Baroque was an artistic style of the late 1500s through the early 1700s. The Baroque period was characterized by scenes of drama and action, a striking shift from the idealized and calm scenes featured in previous art. Look at Baroque artworks and describe how the artist used key characteristics in his or her artwork.
Characteristics of Impressionism
Expressionism is a style of art in which an artist alters a realistic subject to create an emotional effect. Look closely at artworks to determine how artists have used characteristics including bold or unlikely colors, distorted forms, or flattened forms to communicate emotion.

Characteristics of Expressionism
Expressionism is a style of art in which an artist alters a realistic subject to create an emotional effect. Look closely at artworks to determine how artists have used characteristics including bold or unlikely colors, distorted forms, or flattened forms to communicate emotion.
Looking at Modernist Furniture
Exploring the Modernist Design galleries at Mia might feel like stepping into a furniture store! Study a chair, table, lamp, and teapot to discover what makes them modernist works of art.