Virtual Family Day: Looks Delicious!
Every second Sunday of the month, Mia hosts a free monthly event for families, kids, and the young at heart featuring virtual hands-on art activities, music, dance performances, artist demonstrations, and more — all inspired by Mia’s incredible collection.
Family Day Major Sponsor:
Virtual Family Day: Looks Delicious!
Explore art that’s a feast for the eyes. Learn what “still life” in art means, and be inspired to arrange your own still life with what you find at home. From creating a cardboard sculpture to painting with watercolors, you’ll explore the many art forms a still life can take. Plus, serve up your favorite family recipe to share with friends.
Make a Still-life Sculpture
Gather some items from home to make your own still-life sculpture with cardboard! Click here for instructions.
Paint a Still-life
Let’s take a closer look at some of the still-life paintings in Mia’s collection to inspire your own still-life painting! Click here for instructions to make your own still-life painting.
Printmaking with Fruits and Vegetables
Gather some fruits and vegetables to do some printmaking at home following the instructions below.Materials: Produce (fruits and/or vegetables), Paint (Tempera, acrylic, or fabric paint), Paper or fabric, Knife* (use with adult supervision)
1. Gather your produce (Try to vary shapes and textures).
2. Cut the fruit/vegetable into interesting shapes carefully with the knife.
3. Dip the fruit/vegetable in paint and shake off any excess paint.
4. Press the fruit/vegetable onto the paper/fabric and lift.
5. Repeat to create patterns or compose a picture!