Self-guided Activities
Whether you’re at the museum, in the classroom, or at home, plan on spending time with 8–10 artworks. Most of these questions are open ended, designed to prompt close looking and critical thinking. Read each artwork’s label or website content to find answers to the fact-based questions.
To view zoomable images of each artwork and read related content, click on the links supplied from Mia’s collections site.
Art of Egypt
Grade 3
Discover the mysteries of ancient Egypt (Kemet) through artworks ranging from the mummy case for a young girl, to a wooden headrest, to a pair of clappers made from hippo tusks. What can the past tell you about today?
Learning from Looking
Grades 4-12
It’s amazing what we can figure out when we take the time to look closely at art. What will you learn?

Aprender contemplando
Grados 4-12
¡Qué maravillas que se te ocurren cuando tomas el tiempo para observar una obra de arte!
¿Qué encontrarás?
Grades 7-12
Impressionist painting shocked the European art world over 150 years ago. Find out what made it so revolutionary. How do you make an impression?
Art from Ancient Times to 1650
Grades 9-12
Humans have been making art for a long time. See what artists who lived hundreds or thousands of years ago had to say about their world. How does each artwork contribute to your understanding of the place and time it represents?
Minnesota History
Grades 4-12
The history of Minnesota is complex and ever changing. Learn about it through artworks made by Dakhóta and Anishinaabe artists, early settlers and trendsetters, and more recent arrivals such as Hmong immigrants. Whose history do you most relate to?
“Must See” Artworks at Mia
Grades 4-12
Of course every artwork is a “must see,” but we’ve selected a few of our fan favorites for you to explore. What do you think of our choices?