Leslie Barlow
Sweetness, 2020

Leslie Barlow
Sweetness, 2020
Oil, pastel, acrylic on pane
Grandmother and Child, 2019

Leslie Barlow
Grandmother and Child, 2019
Oil, pastel, acrylic, quilt on panel
About the Artist

Leslie Barlow
Leslie Barlow (she/her) is an artist and educator working in Minneapolis, MN. Barlow uses figurative oil painting to share stories that explore the politics of representation, identity, otherness, and race. Barlow earned an MFA from the Minneapolis College of Art and Design (2016) and BFA from the University of Wisconsin- Stout (2007). Recent support of Barlow’s work includes: 2021 Jerome Hill Artist Fellowship, 2019 20/20 Springboard Fellowship, 2019 McKnight Visual Artist Fellowship, and several Minnesota State Arts Board grants. She currently teaches at the University of Minnesota, helps run the organization MidWest Mixed, is a member of the mural collective Creatives After Curfew, and she also supports emerging artists as the Program Director of Studio 400/PF Studios.
Her work will be featured at Mia in the special exhibition Within, Between, and Beyond, part of the Minnesota Artists Exhibition Program, from July 16 – October 31, 2021.
Sobre esta artista
Leslie Barlow (ella) es una artista y educadora que trabaja actualmente en Mineápolis, MN. Barlow emplea la pintura figurativa al óleo para compartir historias que exploren las políticas de representación, identidad, otredad y raza. Barlow se licenció en Bellas Artes por el Minneapolis College of Art and Design (2016) y obtuvo su máster en la Universidad de Wisconsin-Stout (2007). Ha conseguido apoyo para su trabajo a través de las siguientes becas: 2021 Jerome Hill Artist Fellowship, 2019 20/20 Springboard Fellowship, 2019 McKnight Visual Artist Fellowship, además de varias becas otorgadas por el Minnesota State Arts Board. Actualmente enseña en la Universidad de Minnesota, colabora con la organización MidWest Mixed, es miembro del colectivo de muralistas Creatives After Curfew, y da apoyo a los artistas emergentes como directora del programa Studio 400/PF Studios.
Sus obras serán expuestas en Mia en la exposición especial Within, Between, and Beyond, como parte del Minnesota Artists Exhibition Program, desde el 16 de julio al 31 de octubre de 2021.