Lori Greene
Untitled 3, 2020

Lori Greene
Untitled 3, Installation for the Memorial to Survivors of Sexual Violence, 2020
Ceramic and porcelain tile
Untitled 4, 2020

Lori Greene
Untitled 4, Installation for the Memorial to Survivors of Sexual Violence, 2020
Ceramic and porcelain tile
About the Artist
Lori Greene, born in Minneapolis, MN, is a mosaic and textile artist whose work draws from her African and Native American (Mississippi band of Choctaw) heritage and connects deeply with her community. Greene’s process of working with primarily tile and glass is both artistic and spiritual, as her mosaic textiles tell stories embodying strength, power, and memory of the cultures and history woven into them. Her work is community-oriented and community-focused. Through her public art and collaborative projects, she works to reflect the untold narratives of people of color in her community. She has a BFA from California College of the Arts and an MFA from Maryland Institute College of Art. She is also a mother of three and small business owner of the art studio Mosaic on a Stick. She is a recipient of two Bush Artist Fellowships, MN State Arts Board Cultural Community Partnership award, COMPAS Community Art Program Grant, and Minnesota State Arts Board Arts Learning Grant. She is recognized both for her artistic work, community and cross-cultural efforts, and her art is in collections all over the world.
Sobre esta artista
Lori Greene, nacida en Mineápolis, es una artista del textil y del mosaico. Sus obras parten de su herencia africana y nativo americana (grupo Choctaw de Mississippi), conectando así, profundamente, con su comunidad. La labor creadora de Greene, basada fundamentalmente en el azulejo y el cristal, es a un tiempo artística y espiritual, ya que sus mosaicos y textiles cuentan historias que encarnan la fuerza, el poder y la memoria de las culturas tejidas en ellos. Su trabajo está orientado hacia y centrado en la comunidad; a través de su arte público y sus proyectos colaborativos pretende reflejar las desconocidas narrativas de la gente de color de su comunidad. Es licenciada en Bellas Artes por el California College of the Arts y posee un máster en la misma disciplina del Maryland Institute College of Art. Es madre de tres hijos y regenta un pequeño negocio artístico llamado Mosaic on a Stick. Ha recibido dos becas Bush Artist, el premio Minnesota State Arts Board Cultural Community Partnership, así como las becas COMPAS Community Art Program y Minnesota State Arts Board Arts Learning. Es reconocida tanto por su trabajo artístico como por su servicio a la comunidad y sus trabajos interculturales. Sus obras se pueden encontrar en colecciones de todo el mundo.