Claudia Valentino
Wings of Hope, 2020

Claudia Valentino
Wings of Hope, 2020
Shut up, Bitch; the noise no one hears, 2019

Claudia Valentino and Constanza Carballo
Shut up, Bitch; the noise no one hears, 2020
Acrylic on polytab
To view more of Constanza’s artwork featured in this exhibition, click here.
About the Artist
Argentine artist Claudia Valentino (Clau) was born in Mexico, she is the daughter of parents exiled by the dictatorships in South America. Valentino studied dance and photography for some years, and when she arrived in Minneapolis in 2009, added painting and mosaic to her creative skill set. Working with the community is one of the things she likes most about her profession.
Valentino was part of the Power of Vision: Mural en el Ave, a partnership between Hope Community and Mia that worked with Project for Pride in Living (PPL) and a cohort of 10 artists to create a 4,000-square-foot mural on Franklin Ave. The goal was to use art as a tool to build community, empathy, and compassion.
Sobre esta artista
La artista argentina Claudia Valentino (Clau) nació en México, hija de padres exiliados debido a las dictaduras en Sudamérica. Valentino estudió danza y fotografía durante algunos años y, cuando llegó a Mineápolis en 2009, añadió la pintura y el mosaico a sus habilidades creativas. Trabajar con la comunidad es el aspecto favorito de su profesión.
Valentino formó parte de Power of Vision: Mural en el Ave, una asociación entre Hope Community y Mia que trabajó con el Project for Pride in Living (PPL) y un grupo de 10 artistas para crear un mural de unos 370 m2 (4000 pies cuadrados) en Franklin Ave., con el objetivo de emplear el arte como una herramienta para construir comunidad, empatía y compasión.