Thomasina Topbear
Protect Our Sisters, 2020

City Mischief Mural Collective
Protect Our Sisters, 2020 (located at Center School, Phillips neighborhood, Minneapolis, MN)
Spray paint
Located at Center School, Phillips neighborhood, Minneapolis, MN
No More Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, 2020

Thomasina Topbear
No More Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, 2020
Spray paint
Located in Frogtown, Saint Paul, MN
About the Artist
Thomasina Topbear is a self-taught Santee Dakota & Oglala Lakota muralist; she has been a member of the international all female street art crew Few & Far Women since 2015. Thomasina helped found City Mischief Murals, an all BIPOC mural collective that actively paints large scale community-based murals in the Twin Cities. She has organized a number of local and national community-based murals focusing on youth, women, activism & BIPOC artists. Thomasina’s inspirations come from her Indigenous culture and graffiti style type lettering, she uses these influences to express her feelings on community, social justice, culture, feminism, and togetherness.
Sobre esta artista
Thomasina Topbear es una muralista autodidacta de herencia Santee Dakota y Ogala Lakota. Ha sido miembro del grupo callejero totalmente femenino Few & Far Women desde 2015. Thomasina ayudó a fundar el City Mischief Murals, un colectivo BIPOC (Negros, Indígenas y Personas de Color) que elabora, de manera activa, murales comunitarios a gran escala en las Ciudades Gemelas. Ha organizado la creación de numerosos murales comunitarios a escala local y nacional, enfocados en los jóvenes, la mujer, el activismo y los artistas BIPOC. La inspiración de Thomasina procede de su cultura indígena y de la estética del graffiti, empleando así estas influencias para expresar su sentir respecto a la comunidad, la justicia social, la cultura, el feminismo y la colectividad.